Tech Leadership- Taking Action Part II

Ch. 8 Foster Collaboration

“Share information about yourself- your hopes, your strengths, your fears, your mistakes- the things that make you who you are.”

A leader is not quiet, a leader is known by those who follow them. As a tech leader on my campus, I want to inspire my colleagues and help them the best that I can, but that comes with building strong relationships. I want those I work with to know more about me. They need to know that I am confident in technology and excel when speaking in front of others, but one of my fears is being wrong. I don’t like being wrong, and when I am, I let myself down and strive to do better. We all learn from our mistakes and downfalls, but I just have to continue to get back up and try again. My next action plan is to open up to my colleagues and become more of an open book for them. I want to be someone that they depend on, laugh with, helps, and inspires them to be the best that they can be.

Ch. 9 Strengthen Others

“Do away with routine assignments as quickly as possible.”

As a teacher, it is really easy to get put into a routine and stay there. Who doesn’t like just cruising in the fast lane? I love the fast lane and know that I will get to where I’m going faster, but faster and easier is not always better. I am going to instill this action plan into my weekly lesson plans, and begin taking out routine assignments and worksheets that aren’t always necessary. I want everything to seem more meaningful and beneficial, not busy. I believe that this will help make me a better teacher when developing lessons and activities, and also will help my students stay focused, engaged, and interested in knowing that change is okay.  If I can find a new way to change from routine worksheets and weekly assignments to an exciting and meaningful tech related activity, it could be a huge win.

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